It is a dance technique characterised by great vitality, at the same time elegant, which conveys not only the precision of technique, but also the rediscovery of the body in harmony between rhythm and movement: pure joy of dancing.
Classes are dynamic, based on contemporary and pop music and very much choreography-driven. The ModernCoreoLab modules include the creation of a video at the end of each sequence learnt that you can disseminate on your social channels: in step with the times!
Derived from the African folk dances, with which the natives spent their time on slave ships as they were transported to the Americas, modern jazz was initially closely related to the music genre of the same name. Once it arrived in America, it merged with the technical principles of classical dance, enriched, however, with multiple styles: from the refined gesture of modern-contemporary, to the irony of the musical, from the disruptive energy of funky video clips to the felinity of lyrical-jazz.
For students aged nine and up.

Modern Pre Beginners | martedì 17:45/18:45 venerdì 17:30/18:30 | Giulia Cechet |
Modern Pre Intermediate | lunedì 18:45/20:00 mercoledì 18:00/19:15 | Giulia Cechet |
Modern Pre Advanced | lunedì e giovedì 15:15/16:45 | Laura Campanella |
Modern Advanced | martedì 20:00/21:30 giovedì 18:30/20:00 | Giulia Cechet |
Modern Adulti | lunedì 20:15/21:30 giovedì 20:00/21:15 | Giulia Cechet |
Videodance Hip Hop | martedì e giovedì 18:30/19:30 | Laura Campanella |