The Floor Bar is a technique that derives from ballet, but which eliminates all its difficulties due to having to coordinate the upper and lower body, allowing it to be performed sitting or lying on the floor.

It is a totally different way of toning and stretching, combining the joint mobility of a dancer with the muscle tone of an athlete. Reducing the force of gravity facilitates the perception of alignment and stretching, allowing the development of correct musculature. The slowness of the movements helps to create 'muscle memory'.

Under the guidance of the teacher, it is possible to concentrate only on one's own body, in the absence of competition and the possibility of emulation: one learns to feel, to memorise what is right and physiological.

Very popular in France and Anglo-Saxon countries, it is almost a novelty for Trieste!

quattro allievi proni, eseguono la prima posizione dei piedi


Sbarra a terra pranzo martedì e venerdì 13:15/14:15  Giulia Cechet
Sbarra a terra e basi di danza classica lunedì 17:45/18:45 venerdì 18:30/19:30 Giulia Cechet